The Importance of Drones in the Quest for Sustainable Energy

With a growing need for clean energy alternatives and reduced climate change, industry is turning to the use of drones to speed up the process.  Here are just four examples of how using drones can help.

Solar Development

The installation of solar panels has for some time, been key in terms of providing sustainable energy.  Whilst the traditional building survey methods behind these installations are efficient, replacing them with surveys conducted by drones brings many benefits.  For example, dispensing with the need for teams of surveyors; the consequential health and safety paraphernalia and associated written reports and replacing them with a UAV survey can only make sense.  A lone drone operator can carry out a rooftop assessment and collect downloadable data with equal accuracy, at multiple times the speed.  As such, solar panels can be designed and fitted at a much quicker rate, resulting in significantly reduced costs.  Equally, solar developers can subsequently rise to the challenge and respond more quickly to the growing demand for clean energy.

Methane Emission Reduction

Methane emissions are 25 times more potent than CO2.  Consequently, monitoring and reducing methane leaks within the oil and gas industry is evidently hugely important.  Until recent times, locating these leaks and measuring the impact has proved tricky, however the use of drones equipped with the necessary sensors has proved fruitful.  Leaks can be detected early, reporting faster and overall, the reduction in the amount of time used in the necessary inspections once again saves money.

Sustainable Land Use

In order to support farmers in the compliance and reporting of conservation projects designed to aid future sustainability, drone services can once again prove invaluable.  Not only do drones cover large areas speedily, they fly at a suitable height so as not to be hampered by terrain or plantation.  Collecting accurate data and covering large areas quickly, the use of drones is a cost-effective way to collect and report the necessary data involved.  Moreover, drones can also detect and monitor the condition and growth pattern of the crops themselves.

Waste and Cost Reduction

Any construction or infrastructure project commissioned with regard to sustainability will benefit by using drone-based services, in terms of both reduced energy and cost. For surveys, inspections and all data capture, the use of a drone means consistency of reporting and the collection of accurate data. Consequently, with accuracy and less of a need for multiple checks, not only will costs be reduced, the likelihood of material waste will be much lower too.