Why use Monssi for an Arial Survey

SENIOR MRICS, TONY explains the MAIN benefits of using Monssi…..

  • We have 7 years’ experience of flying drones, both internally and externally, around residential and commercial buildings.

  • We employ trained and experienced surveyors to analyse the film data.

  • We have a working knowledge of how a building is constructed so if we identify a building defect, we will give an indication as to what remedy to use and recommend specialist reports where further in-depth analysis is required.

  • We use the latest analytical software to assist with analysis and remedy solutions.  These programs are easily supplied to other building professionals who handle ongoing management of the building .

  • We can access the really difficult to reach parts of a building, whether it be in the country or in the middle of a city centre.

  • We are, therefore, cost effective when compared to any traditional methods of accessing buildings, particularly the higher elevations and of roofs.

  • We can generate an external view of a building without any obstructions obscuring the view of the building’s components.  This can be achieved without the use of scaffolding or cherry pickers.

  • Underground surveys can be carried out from above ground, removing the need to employ operatives to enter spaces considered dangerous for human life.